
TV in and Out

While waiting at home to hear back from employers, I’ve been spending time fiddling with the electronics in my room. I finally attempted to put the S-video out on my video card to use, and got my TV set hooked up to the PC. It has become something of a revolution for me, being able to play the multitude of arcade classics on Gametap on a big display with decent sound instead of from my computer stool. I’m trying out all sorts of games that I never gave a chance before now that I have an opportunity to play them from a more comfortable position. Perhaps I’ll utilize this to do more reviews of old school games!

More importantly, I’ve discovered that there is some use for this old TV after all. I was going to junk it after getting a job in favor of saving for something hi-def, but I think now I’ll save it. In five years when I might have some new gizmos, this old TV and computer might become a perfect mini arcade. Two good screens that will come in handy for displaying low resolutions better than HD, and enough horsepower to run anything that was put in a cabinet sounds like a win-win to me. Plus it allows me to take high quality pics just begging for humorous captions.

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17 years ago

Caption for the first pic: Streets of Rage shows it’s inferior gameplay in that the hookers can be beat up, but don’t give your money back. That feature was later implemented in GTA.

17 years ago

I remember trying to do the same thing with my PC and an S-Video out, but for some reason, a line would continuously move down the screen on my TV. I tried multiple wires and TV’s, but it was still there. It’s probably my video card or something, but upgrading my PC is never something of a priority for me. When I did use it and hooked it up to an hdtv set, Half Life 2:Ep 1 looked amazing. I even setup Media Center on my PC, with a WiFi USB adapter. For like a week I had one hell of a setup. But then I realized that stuff is useless unless you have a TV tuner and recorder. That’s the cool stuff, but my card doesn’t have that ability.