Step aside Web 2.0, here comes videolamer 2.lame. Or lame.0. Whichever is stupider. We have returned to offer articles, reviews, complaints, and jokes about video games to the new generation. A lot has changed since we stopped regularly updating the site nearly a dozen years ago. Back then we didn’t even call them video games, but moving interactables. Also, we could pretend we had enough time left to do something about climate change.

To fill new readers in, this is a site where each contributor can write mostly whatever they want, though we generally share a passion for older and Japanese games. What we lose in unity and coherence, we gain in distinct perspectives. And what perspectives! We are all straight, white men, but one of us doesn’t even live in America. Unlike poser websites and podcasts full of games journalists and developers who use unfair tricks like access and the ability to write well, we are elder millennials from disparate walks of life. We work in tech, teaching, finance, and whatever Matt does. To summarize, this is 8 people-not-in-the-industry’s personal blog.
The specifics of what we have in store are mostly obvious to our longtime reader – editorials about things we don’t like, navel gazing about games as art and/or their relationship to culture as a whole, old new games journalism, posts by a non-existent marketing guy, new old games journalism, and so on. If things go well (if I can get enough labor from the staff of volunteers) we may do new cutting edge things like podcast, stream, or even tweet. The current plan is to post twice a week, let’s say Tuesdays and Thursdays. Again, dependent on our volunteer army this is subject to change.

We are excited to various degrees to be back and hope you are mildly pleased by the news. Stay a while, enjoy some new material at a moderate pace, be amazed by how bad the site name still is, take in the new design, and check out some of our older stuff. Just not anything too old.
Upcoming highlights include: I will be slightly less edgy, Pat will write something, we will learn Cunzy’s actual name
To reflect on Jay’s remarks, though the core staff are indeed Straight White Dudes, we’re no longer Straight, Young, Angry White Dudes. We’re all extremely self-aware of who we are, and we’ve been around long enough to know that:
a. there are other people out there that are different than us
b. those people and their experiences are interesting
c. those people are worth some of our time and mental energy
So while I can’t make any promises right now, I’d like to think that some of what we write here will put in the effort to think about how video games may affect other people, for good and for bad.
Welcome back. I never thought this day would come. (Really.)
It probably would have made more sense to do this 2 years ago, but strike while the iron is cold I say.
Woooh, so glad to see y’all back up and running! I don’t think I every actually wrote anything for the site, but I can say as a READER that I’ve shifted some as well (hopefully for the better). I look forward to reading and seeing where tastes have expanded and how experience has taught each of you new things:)
I’ve got a bit less time nowadays, so I probably won’t have the time to be engaged as much in the comments, but I’ll likely be gobbling up whatever you guys end up posting.
Welcome back all, I completely missed the first spam mail from Jay, but the second got me! I’ve thought of this site on and off through the years as it was my first regular ‘editorial’ game site I would visit when we got internet access! I member realizing what ‘Shota’ meant, even listened to some of your podcasts!
The game industry has had a bunch of developments since the site was away. As big as gaming has become I can ignore vast amounts of it while still having fun in the smaller areas. It remains to be seen how life has changed us and if this site’s output will be what interests me.
The important thing is stick to your teams core values and humor to offer your own voice to the community. I hope you have fun with this and wish you all the best.
Thank god someone finally realized that Blogs are the true future of the internet. Excited to see what is in store.
[…] the dozen years since I used this site as a platform for bad jokes, Wii apologia, and po-faced discussion on […]
[…] a closet full of games but a garage full of self-doubt. I have yet to write a proper review since our return, whatever that even means (layers upon layers of doubt) because I don’t think I am qualified. […]