I’m sure you’re probably bored to death of reading the blogosphere’s predictions for the cleverly-named “Min-E3” event that’s going to take place next week, but I haven’t stated mine yet, so you’re gonna sit there and listen, whether you like it or not. I’ll try to make it short, so you only have to use 3% of your brain power. Fucking babies.
-Gears of War for PC. Why? Because it’s already true.
-No portable (Jesus people, forget about it).
-$50 price drop for each 360 SKU (Core, Premium, Elite).
-No MGS4. It will happen eventually, but it’s not going to be for awhile.
-Zune will be integrated more with the Fall Update. Songs and video bought off Marketplace, then transfered to your Zune.
-Some crazy XBLA game shown off, with a million crappy ones.
-$100 price drop for PS3 in North America. Also, true.
-PSP Lite shown in actual form, presented with the new PSP Store. (I personally cannot wait for this)
-MGS4 playable, but Killzone in video form only.
-Rumble will be put back in the Dual Shock.
-That Popularity Channel that Miyamoto hinted at a few months back will be shown, with the possibility of one more.
-HDD will be shown to inaugurate the WiiWare presentation. Either that, or people can play games off an SD Card. I say HDD, as it would make them more money.
-Crazy assortment of WiiWare titles, with Nintendo setting the mark with their own warez. Can we all say f-l-O-w?
-Connectivity makes a resurrection, with huge assortment of Wii-DS connectivity.
-WiiSports 2 shown, with wifi mode.
-I would like to say DS Lite 2 with built-in browser and media functions (maybe even your Mii’s), but I’m gonna save that for next year’s Min-E3, if it survives that long.
Hit up the comments and make your own predictions. Fine, you can even disagree with mine.