matt is da bomb

Have you ever said to yourself, “Man, I really wish someone would remix the Super Mario Bros. theme with some jazz vocals. That would be sweet.” Seriously, who hasn’t wished that at least once in their life? Well, if you have, then your prayers have finally been answered. is a site completely dedicated to hosting remixed versions of your favorite video game tunes.

Want a Salsa-flavored remix of Sonic the Hedgehog 3’s Special Zone? Or what about a techno version of Actraiser’s first level? This site is just filled to the brim with some awesome tracks. The songs themselves have to go through an approval process, so don’t worry about finding a song with some nut job screaming the vocals to FFX’s “Sudeki de Na” track. That shit won’t fly.

You can seach by remixers, songs, composers, and games, so you can find pretty much anything to your liking right off the bat. They even have a nifty “Latest Remixes” feature on the right side of the page.

I do have to warn you, though. These are remixes, not covers. They may not sound exactly like their original counterparts. They’re still very good songs to begin though, so don’t get upset if you don’t immediately hear that 3-note chord you’ve been looking for.

A few of my personal favorite remixers are DJPretzel and McVaffe. They both made some amazing tracks that you should all listen to at least once. Happy hunting!

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18 years ago

I can’t believe no-one else commented on this.  OCR is great and I’ve been going there for years.  My favorites are Shnabubula, DarkeSword, The Wingless, BrainCells, and anyone who’s done a Guardian Legend remix.  Especially Shnabubula; his stuff is wacky-great.  I really recommend this to everyone. 

18 years ago

I’ll be honest, I’ve always thought it’d just be better to listen to the originals. Since the site does seem pretty well thought of I guess I’ll stop being such an elitist and just check it out already.

18 years ago

DeeMer, I’ve actually been suggested The Wingless a lot when talking to other people about OCRemix. And thanks for the references; I’ll definitely try those out.

18 years ago

Jay, you’re right.  I still listen to the originals regularly, and many remixes (but not all) seem slightly inferior in some subtle, unidentifiable-because-I’m-no-music-major way.  But that doesn’t mean that the remixes aren’t well made, great sounding, and fun to listen to.