Fortune has apparently deemed the Wii as the winner of the next-gen video game console race, featuring the Wiinner’s Circle on their cover, along with a fairly lengthy article talking about everything Nintendo has done right with its system.
It’s a fascinating read [via CNN], but one thing struck me as odd though, and it was a quote from Jack Tretton:
“But if you look at the industry, any industry, it doesn’t typically go backwards technologically. The controller is innovative, but the Wii is basically a repurposed GameCube. If you’ve built your console on an innovative controller, you have to ask yourself, Is that long term?”
He does have a point, but let me ask you this: how old is this industry? It’s really only as old as the NES (Atari nearly killed it, so I’m not going to include it), and that’s about 22 years old. You can come up with a reasonable prediction, but there’s no way in hell anyone can truly say what will happen next. It’s still too early in the video game scene to make those kinds of statements.
And that goes double for this article. It’s only been six months since the Wii and PS3 joined the “next-gen” race with the 360. We still have five years left to see where the industry takes us. Don’t get me wrong, the Wii is worthy of all of its praises, but it seems to me that this article is merely here because of Wii’s hype-train.