golden jew

Review – EVE Online: Apocrypha

Apocrypha, the latest expansion of Eve Online – my gaming mistress with whom I continually flirt, tease, and occasionally enjoy for hours on end to the exclusion of all else – was recently released. Unlike many other MMOs, Eve expansions are free, with typically 2-3 major expansions released a year. Apocrypha is the latest, and perhaps one of the most ambitious expansions produced yet, with a variety of features for new and old players alike.

Most notable for new players is a revamping of the Eve character creation experience. In earlier versions, the character creation experience involved choosing a variety of broad traits for your character which would translate into attributes and starting skills. This process was extremely opaque, particularly for a new player, resulting in many players being confused with their starting attributes, often with a variety of worthless skills that prevented them from enjoying the game immediately. This was one of the many reasons Eve has been viewed as unfriendly to new players, which can kill an MMO.

Under the new system, characters begin with near-standardized attributes and a dramatically reduced skillset. However, new characters train skills at double speed for the beginning of their life, allowing players to rapidly train the skills that will assist their play style, be it peaceful mining or dastardly pirating. Augmenting this are two features which are useful for new and old players alike. The first is a skill queue, that will automatically train a preset number of skills. This is massively helpful as Eve has a number of skills that take an hour or two to train, and it can be easy to forgot to set the next skill in line. Players can now knock out masses of these little skills with the easy to use queue, a huge boon for new and old players.

The second is a “neural remap” ability which allows players to shuffle stats once a year. This grants players who want to take characters in different directions (say, a science based direction as opposed to a combat based direction) the ability to optimize accordingly. Collectively, these features give players much more flexibility in planning and playing their character, and offer some reduction in the burden of getting started in Eve.

For existing players, the most notable new feature is the introduction of the new exploration system, highlighted by wormholes. Eve has always supported an exploration system which used a largely text-based, cumbersome interface. The result was various goodies for the intrepid, but the process to get them was arduous, which at some levels is a good analogy for the game itself.

Under the new exploration system, an intuitive graphical interface creates a “mini-game” like experience which allows players to quickly find what goodies are waiting to be found in a much more pleasant manner. I’d never touched the exploration system prior to this patch, but now many of the players I play with and I are scavenging the galaxy as fast as possible for cosmic signatures and the treasures they may contain.

The creme de la creme of exploration is wormholes. No, these aren’t infected, cankerous orifices filled with parasites, but rather exactly what you’d expect them to be (although they are decidedly more unstable than the wormhole of Deep Space 9 fame). Wormholes in Eve are constantly spawning and decaying, this rate based both on time and the amount of mass (player ships) that pass through them.

Some wormholes connect existing systems, creating convenient trade routes – or sneak attack routes. The most valuable wormholes lead to Worm Space, or W-Space, where the revamped AI NPC awaits, guarding some of the most valuable loot in the game.

Eve has been well known for its dumb as rocks AI. NPC ships basically exist to be killed and provide their loot. They pick a single target and hammer away regardless of the circumstances, begging to be exploited and slaughtered. In Apocrypha, this has changed. Worm Space is full of a special NPC type known as Sleepers. And Sleepers don’t wait to be killed: they try their damnedest to kill player groups.

Utilizing a threat based system combined with a wide array of player-like behaviors (directed targeting, electronic warfare, etc), Sleepers provide a new challenge for players to combat. In my experience with them so far, Sleepers have been challenging and follow one of the most basic tenets of the Eve experience: bring a group of competent friends or expect to be thoroughly savaged.

And Sleepers should provide a challenge: the loot from Wormhole space can be combined through a long, complicated process into Tech 3 ships, the newest class available in Eve. Unlike predecessors, Tech 3 ships can be customized at a systems level, with five slots and five possible variations per slot. The result is an unparalleled level of customization.

As the process to create these ships is arduous, debate as to how good these ships actually are has been based on paper statistics and not yet combat experience. But regardless of the actual utility, the Universe of Eve is filled with explorers trying to get in on the production of these ships.

Rounding off the expansion are various graphical improvements, the largest being the unification of the Eve client under the “Premium/Premium Lite” banner. This allows players with older computers to take advantage of the new graphics without grinding their computers to a halt, and allows Eve’s developer, CCP, to optimize development resources by only needing to code for a single client.

In the past, Eve had a classic client and a premium client, spreading support and resources from a development standpoint. I am now using the Premium client’s “light” mode on my non-gaming work computer with significantly superior results, so this change seems to be for the better. In addition to the new client, various graphical features such as asteroids, were redone throughout the universe.

Apocrypha is one of the best patches I’ve seen throughout my Eve career. During the open testing process, it seemed that CCP was biting off more than it could chew, and many players, including myself, anticipated a problematic patch process. However, the only adverse effect was a server crashing three days after the patch, and its unclear if the crash was even linked to the patch.

One of the biggest challenges that CCP still faces is that Eve remains, by far, the densest, richest, and most difficult to learn MMO on the market. This is both its biggest strength and its biggest weakness. The strength is that the Eve experience is totally unlike any other MMO, with politics, battles, and a sense of ownership you simply cannot find in any other MMO. But learning the ropes is tremendously difficult: I can’t imagine anyone ever playing without a direct referral from a friend and a great deal of help.

CCP needs to continue to figure out how they can encourage players to recruit their friends and develop true gameplay and pricing strategies that leverage that. But for me, I’ve figured out where the little man in the spaceship is on the lady named Eve, and I continue to enjoy a unique and satisfying game.

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Spyder Mayhem
Spyder Mayhem
15 years ago

The big question I have is:

Are there any new things in this patch that can be exploited by Goonfleet to help cause grief throughout the universe?

15 years ago

Wormholes do open up a whole new land of PvP mayhem for them, that’s for sure.

Surprisingly I don’t think they added a 24 hour delay on alliances disbanding. But then again it wasn’t a Goonfleet member who disbanded Band of Brothers, it was a disgruntled director.

15 years ago

I have always been tempted by Eve Online…maybe I should give it a try…

15 years ago

Eve is like a schoolyard in the worst ghetto you can imagine. Imagine that you are the new kid on the block. This is pretty much what it is like playing EVE for the first time… But like in real life, once you get the hang of it and learn who yuo should not bother end vice versa, it’s alot of fun! In the 30 som years I’ve been playing computer games, EVE is by far the most challenging and the most fun. I always recomend it to me friends who have grown tired og WOW and the like. Take the step and go for it :-) fly safe see you around

15 years ago

Eve online has something old, with a new twist. Everyone is in a survival situation. This WILL bring out your true nature. Are you petty, and revel in causing misfortune for others to profit yourself? That’s who you’ll be. Are you a loner who prefers your own company, and wish to have what you own wrought by your own effort? That’s what you’ll do, no matter what group you join with. The very core of who and what you are will be exposed, and can be used to your advantage. Or to your detriment. The problem a lot of people have with the game, in my opinion, is that it’s really a mirror. Eve poses a couple of new questions for gamers: Who are you, really? And, given the chance, what could you or would you become?

15 years ago

Psychological overkill there Dave!! :) I think cavaros is nearer the mark. It’s fairly simple to me… whomever has the most powerful ship/clan is top of the food chain… the rest, well, everybody’s gotta die some time huh? :)

14 years ago

I’ve played lots of different MMO…and never tried EVE…be honest never been into that style of MMO.However today i gave it a try,…and man this game is really difficult ..i want to love it but i cant lol. i spent like 4 hours on it and all the time was reading while i had a bad headache.
This game needs lots of free time to learn …well iam not a hardcore player anymore due to work and RL. thats definitely isnt the game for anyone that doesn’t have lots of free time to spend on it

14 years ago

I am giving Eve Online a rating of 1, as a deserved rating of 0 would be petty, but a rating of 1 is right, for the following reason.

Eve Online has spectacular looking graphics, with amazing looking planets, and metalic effects on the various spaceships, but it is totally let down by the font size on the games User Interface when you play the game at high resolution on large screen size monitors. Coupled with this is the total indifference of the CCP dev team to this issue despite numerous complaints in the Eve Online forum.

You can only enlarge the UI font to 12 points, which makes the lower case letters at 1920 x 1200 2mm high, and no more.

If you have a 17 inch monitor you’ll be fine at its default resolution of 1024 x 768, as the lower case letters are 3mm high, and the icons on the left of the screen ar a comfortable 10mm high, but if you have a now standard 24 inch monitor or larger at its default resolution of 1920 x 1200 or higher then your eyes will not be happy as you squint and try to read the tiny text on the UI when you are sat at a comfortable distance from the screen. The same effect is if you play at HD resolution or 1920 x 1080.

Note: On 30 inch monitors at their default resolution of 2560 x 1600 it gets worse, as the lower case letters are now just 1 millimeter high, and the icons on the left of the UI are now a mere 5 millimeters high.

You can have a comfortable text size that can be read at 1024 x 768, or you can play the game with HD graphics, but you cannot do both at the same time…yet.

14 years ago

The font sizes are fine. You can make them larger and smaller if you want, but the default works for me. I play on a 22″ monitor at 1920×1080. Christopher, maybe you just need new glasses?