Doing the rounds at breakneck speed, our briefest Lamecast to date makes quick work of your sanity. Don covers the failings of multi-platform gaming, we collectively analyze why the guy behind the counter at Christian’s Gamestop needs to NOT share his feelings, Casey’s confounding lack of history with Dungeon Keeper, and would Alexis kindly step away from the pointless hacking.
Podcasts, just cleverly renamed
Lamecast #10 – And after the whole nation had been circumcised, they remained where they were in camp until they were healed
Celebrate the tenth lamecast with us by listening to the crew bash just about everything and everyone they can think of. Christian reveals his angry side, Alexis stands up for a goddess in a game she’s never played, Casey is ashamed of his Sims, and Don will soon be engaged in a lawsuit with George Broussard thanks to some creative editing.
Lamecast #9 – The smell of the smoke from these sacrifices is pleasing to me
Lamecasts have returned after a two week break of holidays, E3s, and alien abductions. This week the crew presents oddly upbeat rants and fights to the death in order to determine which Mega Man is factually the best in the series.
Lamecast #8 – The clay pot the meat is cooked in must be broken
In this, the eighth lamecast, Christian discovers the unit of measurement for an R-Type (hint: it’s not a shit-ton), Alexis longs for an American port of Scribblenauts with a zombie patch, Casey makes sweet sweet love to Rolando 2 news and Don… Don doesn’t make any sense.
Lamecast #7 – Wherever you live, you must eat unleavened bread
In this special edition lamecast Christian, Don & Casey discuss the 3DR DNF WTF OMFG BBQ situation. There are tears in here, so if that kind of stuff makes you uncomfortable maybe you should listen to something else.
Lamecast #6 – They covered all the ground until it was black
In this, our sixth lamecast, Alexis wants to be a fat princess but doesn’t want to do it online, Casey rediscovers his tits, Don has difficulty with the day/night cycle and Christian agrees. YES!
Lamecast #5 – Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce, and their wrath, for it is cruel
This edition of the lamecast is all about online, which we assume you have in some capacity. MMOs and online stores bring insight, fierce debate, and lost wages (pay close attention for the secret Commodore 64 section) .
Lamecast #4 – And he will be as a wild ass among men
In this, the fourth of our lamecasts, Christian has a bit of fun with Killzone 2, Don takes issue with George Broussard and Jeremy Parish, Alexis discusses the finer points of perspective in games and Casey gets Sonic’d.
Lamecast #3 – When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf
In this third edition of the lamecast, our hosts share rants, discuss iPhone games, voice OnLive skepticism and debate the merits of the Dreamcast controller.
The correct answer to last lamecast’s “Win all of Don’s games” contest was “chartreuse.”
Lamecast #2 – They were the heroes of old, men of renown

In this second edition of the lamecast, our hosts put Capcom’s two biggest franchises over the coals and EVE Online gets a new patch. In the thrilling conclusion, a discussion on in-game advertising erupts into violence when the importance of being told to buy Old Spice while playing Quake Live is questioned.
Lamecast #1 – Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array

In this, the premier Lamecast, Christian and Don discuss Quake Live, Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5 and the importance of keeping the Sabbath.
Remember – not only is this happening live but it works two way and they can hear you. Please be respectful by not speaking or making any loud noises.